Rose Topsheet Park Skis
Here’s the first top-sheet I’ve created with the new 8′ long laser! Fit is pretty good – there are a few spots that have larger gaps than I’d like, but I’d say overall I’m happy with it. I think the gaps were caused by the background veneer – I went with a paper backed for it, but what I didn’t anticipate was trying to get the paper backed stuff to sit flat while being laser cut was really challenging, it just seems to have this natural bow that’s impossible to get out. the natural/unbacked stuff is way easier to work with IMO. anyway – This will be the top-sheet for a twin tip ski I’m working on right now:

I think I’m going to go with purple bases for these, but I did manage to find some sintered blue base material recently on skilab which I’m super excited about because blue has been out of stock all year! decisions..